perjantai 28. lokakuuta 2016

Corpo Aereo Italiano

The Corpo Aereo Italiano (literally, Italian Air Corps), or CAI, was an expeditionary force from the Italian Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air Force) that participated in the Battle of Britain and the Blitz during the final months of 1940 during World War II. 

+The CAI supported the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) and flew against the British Royal Air Force (RAF). The CAI achieved limited success during its brief existence. In general, the corps was hampered by the inadequacy of its equipment.

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini insisted on providing an element of the Italian Royal Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) to assist his German ally during the Battle of Britain.
On 10 September 1940, the CAI was formed, under the formal aegis of the 1a Squadra Aerea di Milano (First 'Milan' Air Command). Air Marshal (Generale S.A.) Rino Corso-Fougier was appointed Air Officer Commanding.

Fiat CR.42 of 18° Gruppo, 56° Stormo. The Italian CR.42 was a manoeuvrable and fast biplane fighter. Despite its good manoeuvrability and speed (440+ km/h) it was technically outclassed by the faster and better armed Hurricanes and Spitfires of the British Royal Air Force.

Fiat G.50 of 20° Gruppo, 56° Stormo. The Italian G.50 monoplane fighter was restricted by its range of 400 miles (640 km), which was roughly the same as that of Bf 109E models used by the Luftwaffe, and the lack of a radio unit in most participating aircraft.
Fiat BR.20 bombers of 13° and 43° Stormo. The Italian BR.20 was a twin-engined bomber capable of carrying 1,600 kg of bombs.

Supporting aircraft included five CANT Z.1007 used for reconnaissance and Caproni Ca.133 transport planes.
On 25 September, the bombers arrived at their airfield in Melsbroek, Belgium after an eventful journey in which several planes forcelanded or even crashed due to malfunctions and poor weather. The fighter element arrived later at Ursel, Belgium.
Fiat BR.20M MM.22267 of 242a squadriglia on the airfield. This particular plane was shot down on 11 November 1940.

On the night of 24 October 1940, the CAI conducted its first raid, when 18 BR.20s took off to attack Harwich and Felixstowe. Not all aircraft found their targets and three were lost in accidents.
Cant Z.1007 bis
Kuvahaun tulos haulle Z.1007bis
Cant Z.1007 bis

Kuvahaun tulos haulle BR.20M
Fiat BR.20M
Saksan murskattua Alankomaiden ja Ranskan puolustuksen saavuttaen Englannin kanaalin Mussolini päätti liittyä voittajiin. Hän ilmoitti 26. kesäkuuta 1940 Adolf Hitlerille maansa osallistuvan hyökkäykseen Isoa-Britanniaa vastaan. 13. heinäkuuta Hitler ilmoitti ottavansa tarjotun avun vastaan, vaikka huomioikin organisaatioiden, asejärjestelmien ja koulutustason erot maiden välillä.

10. syyskuuta Italian ilmavoimat perustivat Corpo Aereo Italianon, johon kuului 80 x BR.20M-pommikonetta, 50 x CR.42-hävittäjää, 45 x G.50-hävittäjää, 5 x Z.1007bis-tiedustelukonetta, 12 x Ca.133-kuljetuskonetta sekä 11 x Ca.164-yhteyskonetta. Ainoastaan viidellä pommikonemiehistöllä oli karttalentopätevyys ja radiokalusto oli heikkolaatuista lisäksi koneista puuttui jäätymisenestojärjestelmät kokonaan.

Kaikesta huolimatta osasto aloitti 27. syyskuuta siirtymisen Belgiaan Saksan Luftflotte 2:n alaisuuteen. 13. ja 43. lennoston (ital. Stormo) 42 pommikonetta lensivät Melsbroekiin ja Chievresiin. Koneista kolme jäi vikojen vuoksi lähtökentille ja yhdeksän joutui tekemään matkalla pakkolaskun huonon lentosään vuoksi. 18. rykmentin (ital. Gruppo) CR.42-hävittäjät lähtivät matkaan 6. lokakuuta ja ne joutuivat myös huonoon säähän. 

Koneet saapuivat uudelle kotikentälleen Urseliin 19. lokakuuta. 20. rykmentin G.50-hävittäjät siirtyivät 6. lokakuuta Trevisosta Bolzanoon, josta ne sään seljettyä jatkoivat matkaansa Neubibergiin. Koneet jatkoivat 17. lokakuuta Neubibergista Frankfurtin kautta Maldegemiin, jonne osasto saapui 19. lokakuuta. Laskussa yksi koneista pyörähti mutaisella kentällä ympäri. Kaikkiaan siirtolennoilla tuhoutui ennen vihollisen kohtaamista kaksi G.50- ja viisi BR.20-konetta.

20. lokakuuta Belgiaan sijoitetun osaston vahvuus oli 61 BR.20M-, 50 CR.42-, 42 G.50-, viisi Z.1007bis-, 12 Ca.133-, yhdeksän Ca.164- ja yksi SM.75Tp-lentokone. Osaston hävittäjät kykenivät lentämään ainoastaan kymmenen minuuttia Englannin yllä eli ne eivät kyenneet tehokkaasti saattamaan pommikoneita. Vuodenajan heikko sää vaikeutti osaston toimintaa entisestään, mutta Saksan ilmavoimien koulutus auttoi osastoa toimimaan.

Osasto perusti toimintaansa varten etutukikohdat Mervilleen ja Norrent Fontesiin, jotta lyhyen toimintasäteen omaavat G.50-hävittäjät kykenisivät tehokkaammin tukemaan pommittajia. Osaston operaatio alueeksi määrättiin Thamesin suiston ja 53 astetta pohjoiseen ja 1 aste itään Greenwichistä. Lisäksi osaston tuli estää liittoutuneiden iskut Ostend Schelden alueelle sekä suojata rannikkosaattueita kaistallaan.

Osasto teki ensimmäisen iskunsa 24. lokakuuta, jolloin 17 BR.20-pommikonetta iski Ramsgateen ja Harwichiin. Yksi koneista tuhoutui nousussa surmaten kuusi koneen miehistön jäsentä, kolme koneista tuhoutui ilmatorjuntatulessa sekä yksi vaurioitunut tuhoutui laskeutuessaan Lilleen. 16. huhtikuuta 1941 24 G.50 ja neljä Ca.133 konetta lähti kohti Italiaa lentäen Frankfurtin ja Neubibergin kautta Goriziaan.

Osasto teki kaikkiaan 137 pommituslentoa, joissa pudotettiin 27 tonnia pommeja sekä 590 hävittäjälentoa. Yhdeksän viholliskonetta ammuttiin alas ja lisäksi kuusi mahdollista pudotusta. Osasto menetti 19 pommikonetta, 14 hävittäjää, yhden Z.1007bis- sekä yhden Ca.164-koneen, näistä 19 vihollisen toiminnan vuoksi ja kuusitoista erilaisissa onnettomuuksissa. Kaikkiaan 29 miestä sai surmansa tai katosi, kuusi jäi sotavangeiksi ja kaksitoista haavoittui.
                                                                       Caproni Ca.164

                                                             Caproni ca 133

                                                            Cant Z.1007 bis

                                                        Savoia Marchetti S.M. 79

The next major operation of the CAI was on 29 October. This date is regarded by some historians as the last day of the Battle of Britain. In response to a raid on several northern Italian cities, fifteen BR.20s with a strong fighter escort bombed Ramsgate by day. The Italian bombers were sighted crossing Kent at a relatively low level. The bombers flew in formation, wingtip to wingtip. The open-cockpit, fixed-undercarriage fighter escorts accompanied them in a similar immaculate order. The Italian aircraft were painted pale green and bright blue. This was camouflage more suitable for a more exotic climate than that found in Britain in late October.

Five Italian aircraft suffered damage due to anti-aircraft guns. At least one of the bombers was seen at 16:40 hours in Deal, Kent that afternoon, some 14 miles from Ramsgate and dropped three high-explosive bombs, one just outside the Officers' Mess at the Royal Marines Depot, killing Second Lieutenant Nelson, four Marines, and one private from the King's Shropshire Light Infantry. All but one were buried together in the Hamilton Road Cemetery, Deal.

The next few days saw several small raids.

On 11 November 1940, the day before the battle fleet of the Regia Marina (the Italian navy) was attacked at Taranto by the Royal Navy's aircraft and as a result lost half of its capital ships, the CAI saw its first major combat against the RAF. Ten bombers were escorted by forty-two CR.42s, the G.50s, and some German Messerschmitt Bf 109s assigned to them. The mission was aborted due to bad weather. However, Hurricanes from 257, 46, and XVII Squadrons intercepted the aircraft and destroyed three bombers and three fighters. 

In addition, four bombers eventually force landed, two fighters were destroyed on landing, and another eight fighters landed with damage. British losses were two fighters damaged. One of the Fiats was repaired by the British and subsequently evaluated. Of the Italian fighter aircraft, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill later wrote, They might have found better employment defending the fleet at Taranto.

Fighter to fighter combat was no more successful for the CAI. On 23 November, the Italian biplanes were "bounced" by Spitfire Mk.IIs and two were shot down by Archibald Winskill with several others damaged, in return for one Spitfire damaged.

Further bombing raids were carried out by the CAI, mainly on the Ipswich and Harwich areas.

By the end of December, shortly before its redeployment, the CAI had flown 97 bomber sorties, for the loss of three aircraft. The Italian planes had dropped 44.87 tonnes of bombs in 77 night sorties, most of them over Harwich.

Near the beginning of January 1941, all of the bombers and biplanes were redeployed. This left the CAI with only the Fiat G.50s, which remained until mid-April 1941, when they too were redeployed.

The first operation by the CAI was on 28 October. As late as 4 November, a Time magazine article only indicated that there was a possibility that an Italian air force unit might be sent to participate in the Battle of Britain.
Kuvahaun tulos haulle Corpo Aereo Italiano

A Falco biplane fighter after crash-landing near Lowestoft, Suffolk on 11 November 1940. The pilot successfully evaded three British Hurricanes, but was forced down by a propeller malfunction .
Although the main fighter used by the Corpo Aereo Italiano was a biplane, which, in purely technical terms, would be outclassed by more modern monoplanes, this was not the case all the time. On 11 and 23 November 1940, CR.42s flew two raids against Great Britain as part of the Corpo Aereo Italiano. Although the German Luftwaffe aircraft had difficulty flying in formation with the slower biplanes, the Falcos, though slower, and with an open cockpit, no radio, and armed with only two machine guns (a 12.7 mm and a 7.7 mm Breda-SAFAT), could easily out-turn Hurricanes and Spitfires, making them difficult to hit. 

"The CR 42 turned to fight using all the aeroplane's manoeuvrability. The pilot could get on my tail in a single turn, so tightly was he able to pull round." As the RAF intelligence report stated, the Falcos were hard targets. "As I fired he half rolled very tightly and I was completely unable to hold him, so rapid were his manoeuvres. I attacked two or three more and fired short bursts, in each case the enemy aircraft half-rolled very tightly and easily and completely out-turned me. In two cases as they came out of their rolls, they were able to turn in almost on my tail and opened fire on me."

Against British monoplanes, the CR.42s were not always outclassed. "I engaged one of the British fighters from a range of between 40 to 50 metres. Then I saw a Spitfire, which was chasing another CR.42, and I got in a shot at a range of 150 metres. 
I realised that in a manoeuvered flight, the CR.42 could win or survive against Hurricanes and Spitfires, though we had to be careful of a sweep from behind. 

In my opinion, the English .303 bullet was not very effective. Italian aircraft received many hits which did no material damage and one pilot even found that his parachute pack had stopped a bullet."

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