vanha ripon kelluke-kone valmistautuu etsimään sukellusveneitä
Courier plane, short-nose Blenheim is point of interest, summer 1942
Kuriiri-kone, lyhyt-nenä blenheim on tutustumisen kohteena, 1942 kesä
Brewster-moottori on suojattu lumelta ja lentokoneen (moottori) alle laitetaan kamina piippu, ja pian öljy on lämmin ja moottori käynnistyy helposti
The airplane engine is protected from snow and frost, underside from airplane (engine) is placed under a wood heater chimney, and soon oil is warm and the engine starts easily, like here Brewster and Morane-Saulnier.
M-S 406, ice removed from the target tube
The German Dornier has been fired down
Saksalaisten dornier on ammuttu alas 1942Fokker XXI engine is protected from snow and frost
removed and prepared for boarding
moottori on suojattu lumelta ja pakkaselta (1942 spring-winter)
poistetaan ja kone valmistetaan lennolle
Fokker pilots depart to flight...
Brewster plane pushes cover shelter
Brewster moottori on suojattu lumelta ja lentokone työnnetään suojatasolle.
Brewster on palannut kentälle / Brewster is back in the field
Fokker CX shooter ensure to accessories
Fokker CX intelligence machine, and bombs included.... 1941 spring-winter
Morane-Saulnier MS 406 smile at 1942 time of spring-winter
Almost intact, neighbor Hurricane MK-II is moved and repair
Morane-Saulnier MS 406. Out of shelter, up and to high, from fresh frost
Gladiators start to up, summer 1942
Blenheim MK-I and a rat hunter
Hurricane MK-I pilots in summer 1942
Fokker CX is preparing for intelligence-flight Summer 1942
Unbroken, forced landing I-153 summer 1942
FIAT G 50 pilots (1942-1944 best payout ratio was Fiat plane; 38: 1)
Brewster starts
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